Puzzled is an exploration in RBD sims using procedurally generated interlocking geometry


Piece Generation

Used a variation on differential line growth in order to grow the interlocking pieces, with random variables for their directions, and attributes used to keep their growth under control

Constraint Setup

In order to fit these pieces into their proper locations, I used a combination of soft and hard constraints to guide the object into their place. Each piece had a center connection and 4 corner connections that were coded to shrink over time and increase in strength using Vex.

Sound Design

After looking for a while on audio library websites I ended up borrowing my sister's 500 piece Animal Crossing puzzle and recording them myself. I got close to completing the puzzle in the process, but was spending too much time throwing them around. 

Puzzle Design

I always love creating wiggles in Illustrator, and this time was no different. I had saved a handful of simple images I found on tumblr as reference, and then eventually ended up ripping most of the color palette from a piece by @nikiusagi

Alternate Forms
